During registration you may be asked to submit different types of documentation. Sports Connect, our current registration system, will only retain documents for 6 months before they are automatically deleted. Some of the same documentation may be required every registration period. Save your uploaded files in a spot where they can easily be located so they are readily available at the next registration to speed up the process.
1. Who can play in Octorara Area Little League?
- Full League Boundaries per Little League found here.
- Players league age seven (7) and under may register in any Little League program without respect to any geography-related eligibility or school eligibility requirements.
- Players league age eight (8) through sixteen (16) participation eligibility is based on residency, school enrollment or uninterrupted participation since age seven (7). Boundary map (found halfway down the page) here. To verify your address falls within the boundaries by looking at the map, should use the League Finder here.
- If a family registers a sibling league age seven (7) and under, older siblings league age eight (8) through sixteen (16) may join Octorara Area Little League without the need for a waiver. Click here for more detail.
- Players from divided homes may choose to play in a league in whose boundaries either parent resides.
2. Why does the League Finder not show baseball being offered in my immediate area? I have family, friends, or neighbor's children that play locally.
- Over the years, our district was once home to many more Little League programs. However, as time has passed, the number of leagues registered with and offering official Little League programs has decreased, with many integrating into other sports organizations. As a result, children in some areas may now be participating in non-Little League affiliated programs.
- If you reside in an area where an official Little League program is no longer available, you're still welcome to join a nearby league that offers one—even if it’s outside your immediate area. If this applies to your situation and you’re interested in participating in an official Little League program, please reach out to us for more information.
3. What if we are on a non-Little League team, can we still play on the non-Little League team and enroll in your Octorara Little League?
- If a player joins both a Little League and a non-Little League team, but later decides to either drop Little League for the non-Little League team or prioritize the non-Little League team over Little League, it can negatively impact the Little League team they originally committed to. Teams are carefully formed to ensure balance and competitiveness across divisions. When a player withdraws, it disrupts that balance and can leave the team at a disadvantage. It’s also unfair to those players who aren't participating on a non-Little League team.
- Players who consistently prioritize non-Little League teams over Little League may risk their chances of being selected for Little League postseason play.
4. What division should I register my player(s) for?
- Registration for a division is based on the Little League League Age Calculator found here.
- First-year players between the ages of 4 and 5 should register for T-ball.
- Evaluations are held that may result in players moving between divisions, both up and down.
- A change in division will result in either an additional or partial refund of registration fees.
5. What do registration fees cover?
- Registration fees fund team charters, insurance, uniforms, umpires, equipment, field maintenance, and utilities to name a few.
- Little League has a detailed write-up found here.
6. Is there any assistance available to help with the cost of spring registration?
- Yes, there are a couple of different programs available that you may qualify for. Click here for more information.
7. Can I request my child play up a division?
- You may submit a request during registration, but there is no guarantee it will be honored. You can also request to play down a division if needed.
- For returning players, we have a good understanding of their abilities based on past performance. This, combined with evaluation results, will guide our final decision on division placement.
- Most players benefit from being in an age-appropriate division, competing with others close to their age. While playing in an older division can offer challenges, it can also negatively affect younger players by lowering their confidence and enjoyment if they struggle to hit or pitch against more advanced opponents.
- We won’t have a clear picture of the number of players, teams per division, or available coaches until evaluations are completed. We will consider individual requests while prioritizing safety, balanced teams, and maintaining the right number of players per division for competitive fairness.
8. Is my child on the same team as last year?
- No. Players and coaches transition between divisions each year, making it impossible to keep teams intact. However, it's likely you'll find yourself on a team with familiar faces from previous seasons.
9. Can my child have the same coach as last year?
- Requests can made to [email protected] and should include the justification for the request but we do not guarantee we'll be able to honor your request.
10. Can I request that my child not be assigned to a specific coach?
- Generally no, but we understand there may be exceptional circumstances to consider. Requests can be sent to to [email protected] and should include a justification for the request.
- The initial email request will be kept strictly confidential; only the league president will have access to it. While discussions with other league officials may be necessary, they are expected to maintain confidentiality regarding all conversations.
- However, if the request is granted and the coach selects your child, the coach will be informed and asked to choose another player, which could make them aware of the request.
- Please note that requests are valid for the current season only and must be submitted each year.
11. Can my child play on the same team as their friends?
- The short answer is typically no. Players are assigned to divisions and teams to ensure balanced and competitive play.
- That said, there is a bit more flexibility in the lower levels where we can occasionally accommodate such requests. However, in the older divisions players are usually drafted onto teams, although special circumstances may be considered.
- If you have a request, please email to [email protected] with your justification. Each request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, but there are no guarantees.
- Balancing teams is a complex process, and pairing non-siblings adds an extra layer of difficulty.
12. What if my child is unhappy with their team? Can they switch teams?
- Switching teams after they’ve been formed is only allowed in extreme cases. If necessary, requests should be submitted in writing to the President at [email protected], who will review the situation with the Player Agent.
- Approval requires extenuating circumstances and is unlikely, as the player will typically remain with their current team. Team balance is carefully established through the draft, and changing a player’s team could significantly impact the season for both teams involved.
- If a change is approved after uniforms have been ordered, you may be responsible for covering the cost of a replacement uniform.
13. Where can I get details about the season itself?
14. How can I help?
- See the volunteer FAQ. We are always in need of volunteers to coach, umpire, help with concessions, fields, etc. Don't think you have the skills? Don't worry, we can connect you with experienced people to get you started. Don't let the fear of the unknown persuade you to not help.
15. What if I have more questions?