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Background Checks

All board members, head coaches, assistant coaches, umpires, and other volunteers are subject to the requirements below. All clearances and information pertaining to the below are confidential and will be treated as such. The results are solely used for the purpose of determining one's eligibility to volunteer.

Pennsylvania law requires volunteers to undergo background checks for individuals who have direct contact with children as part of their child protection policies. This is to ensure the safety and well-being of the children involved.

The clearances include:

All volunteers will be required to obtain clearances every 60 months. Time frames for renewed clearances are based upon the date of each individual clearance. If an individual elected to renew all clearances at the same time, the date of the oldest clearance rather than the most recent would be used. You will be required to upload documents each season as Sports Connect only retains documents for 6 months. Save your files in a spot where you can find them to use again in the future.

Little League International also requires an annual background check. Octorara Little League uses J.D. Palatine (JDP) to execute the Little League background checks. JDP is integrated in Sports Connect (the Octorara Area Little League website/registration provider) and uses the information provided during registration. League officials will initiate the JDP request and you will get an email from JDP to provide some more information that wasn't included as part of registration (social security number for example).

Abuse Awareness Training for Adults is also required by all volunteers. Please visit the page here for more information.

Concussion training is mandatory for all coaches. Please visit the page here for more information.

Upon successfully passing all background checks and training requirements, you will be notified that you are approved as a league volunteer by the volunteer coordinator or other league official. 

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