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Gameday Safety Rules

Little League rules and regulation are designed with the safety and well-being of the players in mind. The Board of Directors may add additional safety rules and/or guidance but are not permitted to alter any of the established Little League rules and regulations.

The below is intended as a reference summary of the various rules. It does not cover every possible circumstance and is not a substitute for reading and fully understanding the the official Little League Rules and Regulations.

Bat Specifications

Effective on January 1, 2018, Little League Baseball® complied with the new USABat standard. No bats previously approved for use in Little League play (Junior League Baseball and below) is permitted to be used in any Little League game or practice, or other Little League function, event, or activity. As of January 1, 2018, USABat Standard bats must be used in the Little League Major Baseball Division and below. Either USABat Standard bats or BBCOR bats must be used at the Intermediate (50/70) Baseball and Junior League Baseball Divisions. At the Senior League Baseball Division, all bats must meet the BBCOR standard. For more information on the USABat standard and a complete list of bats approved through the USABat Standard, visit To view bats that have been decertified for use by USA Baseball, visit

Also, please visit the FAQ on Little Leagues website found here and here.


Adults in Dugout

  • The head coach is responsible for ensuring these rules are being followed. No exceptions.
  • Little League requires an adult in the dugout at all times and is limited to board approved coaches, rostered players, or team parents only.
  • No bat boys/girls, friends, family, etc. allowed.
  • If a team only has one coach present, they must remain in the dugout and send two players, with helmets on, to the coach's box.
  • If two coaches are present, one coach remains in dugout, while a player, with helmet on, is placed in the other coach's box.
  • If you regularly need help from a parent, they must go through the background check process before they can assist.

Dugout Behavior

  • Players in the dugout area must remain behind the protective fencing at all times.
  • No standing in the dugout openings.
  • No climbing in the dugout openings.
  • All bags are to be hung on the fence, placed under the benches, or stored above to keep the walkway clear.
  • All bats must be hung in a bat holder (if available) or set against the inside of the fence. Players are not allowed to have a bat in hand until it is their turn to go up to the plate.

On-Deck Batters

  • Majors and below are not allowed to have on-deck batters.
  • Warm-up swings on the way to the plate are allowed.

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